Tuesday, March 3, 2009

If I Were To Run For President

I would pledge:

1. Never to raise taxes outside of emergency spending. Emergency spending could only be applied to national security, national disaster, or civil engineering emergencies. (See: Support Item 2)
2. Never to go to war without a congressional declaration of war,
3. Never to engage in or support deficit spending,
4. To submit a budget with a 20% cut in spending in the first year.

I would support:

1. The implementation of the FairTax along with the repeal of the 16th amendment (Support Item 3)
2. Changing the budgeting process to only spend taxes levied from citizens the following year within 4 years. Any funds for “emergency spending (See: Pledge Item 1)” would be levied from the citizens only when the following properties are included: a.) A time limit not to exceed the duration of the emergency, and b.) A tax cap as to limit the amount of tax collected to not exceed the cost of the emergency. Ideally emergency spending would be covered through the purchase of bonds,
3. The repeal of the 16th amendment,
4. The repeal of the 17th amendment allowing for appointment of Senators by state legislatures,
5. An amendment or legislation limiting the Commerce Clause only to issues regarding participation in interstate commerce; or preventing the legislation of commerce based on the premise that by not participating in interstate commerce, intestate commerce is affected,
6. An amendment limiting the 14th amendment to apply only to persons born of U.S. citizens,
7. An amendment or legislation acknowledging the right to own property,
8. An amendment or legislation clarifying the 1st amendment’s statements on religion to disallowing any branch of government, either through legislation or opinion, to comment on the exercise of religion,
9. Legislation allowing Medicare & Social Security enrollment to be optional,
10. Legislation banning earmarks or other projects unrelated to national security and interstate commerce (Roads & other civil engineering spending) designated for individual states.
11. Deregulation of the energy production industry (particularly oil product production) as to reduce the cost of production,
12. Domestic oil acquisition,
13. Immigration reform by supporting the following (in order): a.) Legislation outlawing the consumption of federal services, programs, or money by illegal aliens, b.) Legislation severely penalizing business hiring illegal aliens, c.) Free passage for illegal aliens returning to their country of origin,
14. Legislation banning government schools & government involvement addressing topics for educational study,
15. School Choice and vouchers,
16. Returning the Dollar to an asset based monetary unit,
17. Term limits applying to service in either congressional houses,
18. Legislation banning legislation criminalizing thought as in “hate crimes,”
19. Legislation requiring the names of legislators proposing any spending to be attached to the specific proposals,
20. Legislation requiring the identification of voters of national elections.
21. Legislation allowing for the participation in government programs (such as medicaid, medicare, and social security) optional,
22. A 10th Amendment commission to identify federal legislation/policy in conflict with the 10th Amendment.

I wrote this last year during the presidential primaries.

Really agree with what you read? Really disagree? Somewhere in the middle?....Let yourself be heard in the comments!

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