Thursday, June 4, 2009

Tennessee Legislature Overides Anti-Gun Veto

This week the Tennessee State Legislature overrode the veto by Governor Phil Bredesen of the gun - alcohol bill. Here are some articles: WATE; CCRKBA.

It is about time. First, I want to say that the law that this veto override will eliminate plus all other legislation and regulations restricting guns are unconstitutional.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

The 2nd Amendment is for the purpose of keeping an armed population as to discourage the formation of a tyrannic government through the citizen's access to the tools of war. Anyone who objectively looks and studies the 2nd Amendment will come to the same conclusion. Now after saying that, I do concede that the actions one takes with the weapon can be a subject of legislative authority. If anyone injures the rights of someone else through any means, there should be repercussions. The problem with the Tennessee law that was just repealed is that you can cause injury to no one's rights and be charged with a crime. When governments legislate topics outside of areas regarding the infringement of one's rights, they legislate personal decisions. Analogous to the soon to be repealed law would be laws requiring individuals to go armed or to refrain from wearing clothing of certain colors. These decisions are personal decisions which aught to and must be, in a free society, left to the individual.

Really agree with what you read? Really disagree? Somewhere in the middle?....Let yourself be heard in the comments!

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